Concert series: AUf Flügeln des Gesanges


08:00 p.m.     


Venue: Museum Kleines Klingental, Refektorium

Unterer Rheinweg 26, 4058 Basel (Switzerland)


From Afar


From Afar


Without Words


Percussion Solo

Faraway from Beloved


Night of Separation

To Nava


To Shur




Misagh Joolaee, Kamancheh and composition



Sebastian Flaig, Percussion

kindly supported by:

Venue: Museum Kleines Klingental, Refektorium

Unterer Rheinweg 26, 4058 Basel

Begin: Saturday, 28.11.2020, 08:00 p.m. (admission from 07:20 p.m.)


Tickets for this event can be purchased in advance via the online ticket shop below and additionally at the venue on the same day before the start of the concert (availability supposed). Please click on the following links for purchasing tickets:


The number of seats of limited to 15. The complete revenue of this concert is for the sake of supporting the artist and the continuation of this small but fine concert series.


Asymmetry of musical Transformation and tonal breathing


New ways of expressing sound and deeply felt inner sensation can be experienced during a fantastic Kamancheh recital (Iranian bowed string instrument) in conjunction with oriental percussion. Long lasting wanderings, inner disruption between pretended contemplation and indescribable restlessness:


Misagh Joolaee as one of the best and versatile Kamancheh performers of current time finds his way to the House of Culture.


Double stops on the Kamancheh, Paganini-like Pizzicato techniques. "Outrageous" things will be heard during this concert with exclusively original compositions by Misagh Joolaee.


Ways of sound and expression will be expanded an embedded into complex odd rhythmical cycles whose asymmetries evoke musical tension. Traditional conventions mutate into musical transformation and tonal breathing. A process which does not fit into the robe of conventional and well-tried symmetry and which blooms and talks within the world of oddness and unthinkable.


The musical heartbeat speaks by subtle and highly complex rhythms of oriental percussion:


Sebastian Flaig, one of the world's top specialists for oriental percussion, found the key for rhythmical and expressive mirroring of Misagh Joolaee's worlds of sound. As a fabulous duo a complex multilayered form of expression is presented to the audience.


For the one who listens in secret new worlds of expression will arise which are felt out for current and future generations. 



Follow-up concerts on Sunday, 29.11.2020 at 2:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. at Kulturscheune Liestal